Content Native Application

A custom mobile application for the agency showcasing the content being created in the agency, in order to connect employees to the work being done and each other.

Product Design · UX · UI · Prototyping · User Testing

Me — Functionality Definition, Wireframes & User Flow Creation, Mid-Fidelity Prototype, User Research and Analytics.


BBDOOn is a content-first mobile application built on React. It was created in response to a need to ease the sharing of content and work within the agency, since the sheer amount of work and the number of people working on it limited how much people would know about their coworkers work. We hoped to help build a sharing culture in the office.

My role on this application encompassed all the development cycle. It started with taking the stakeholders’ ideal functionalities and doing exploratory research on users’ needs. I lead surveys, user interviews and focus groups to identify needs and where the application could add value to my fellow coworkers. We used this to guide the list of features for the application and then went back to the stakeholders, led by the CEO, to get buy-in in this updated version. This was a double-faceted process. I presented the discoveries from the user research and created detailed user flows and user cases for each feature and a basic set of wireframes to present an user-centered vision of the product and create our first proof of concept. 

I created detailed design documents of the core functionalities, and a couple nice-to-have to present back to the stakeholders.

Once we got the sign off, the team got to build. We worked using an agile methodology and were a multidisciplinary team of developers, UX, designers, QA, producers and product owner. I guided the design stage by creating low-fi wireframes for rapid iteration. Once approved, I moved on to hi-fi mockups of interactions and key elements of the design system for the app. The MVP Beta version of BBDOOn was released in 2017.


Donation Platform


Wellness Mobile Application