Wellness Mobile Application

Redesign of a health and wellness application.

Product Design · R&D· UX · UI · Prototyping ·

Me — Functionality Definition, Wireframes & User Flow Creation, Mid-Fidelity Prototype, User Research and Analytics.


The team was tasked with re-working a mobile wellness application with a lofty goal: give the user a measurement of how their heart is doing at the moment and give information about how to improve and protect their heart in the long run. The application uses a proprietary assessment, custom educational content, and a weekly tracking system for 13 weeks. But, the data showed that users weren’t engaging past first download, in some cases not even completing the assessment. 

I was tasked with researching and understanding the user in order to create short and long term plans that would increase engagement.

After a first round of user and market research I got my first takeaway: create an on-boarding experience that explains to the user to foundational elements of a great experience: WHAT are they doing here and WHY are they doing it.

I discovered that, for the end user, the goal and value of the app wasn’t as clear and the lack of a shorter reward system, the drive to stay engaged was almost non-existent.

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In the process of addressing the lack of onboarding, pivoted the main focus and functionality of the application connecting health and wellness. I identified the real value for the user: a personalized “snapshot” of how their heart is doing and actionable content that can make that score better. The real goal for the user is not just knowing this number, is to understand this number related to the impact that has on their health and how improvement in the 7 sections the assessment measures, can mean improvement in their lives in the long term.


Using these elements, the plan is defined and shown to the user as a map of sorts to achieve their goal. These habits help improve each one of the factors that determine your heart health and would be introduced in your routine weekly, with the idea that each will build upon the previous one. Once the user completes a habit and moves to the next one, it gives them points towards the goal.

The new Solution: 

A mobile application that uses personalized goals to guide the user to create new habits.  The process is guided by parameters given by the assessment to have a real meaning and pertinency in the things that make us healthy. This shifts the score from an end to a tool at the service of the user.

Along with the newly defined functionality I created the wireframes and prototypes for the mobile application’s sections, namely:


Content Native App


Native View